Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Blessing and Purpose

So I am now working on week 2 in God's heart for the nations.... This week it is on God's blessing and purpose for us.

The bible is made up of 66 books but this 66 book has a introduction, body, and conclusion which by literary terms makes it one book as a whole. The first 11 chapters of Gen is the intro and the body runs from Gen 12-Jude. The conclusion is Revelation. In the intro there are major themes that are tracked through the rest of the book. This week we are looking at two of the themes. These themes are found in Gen 1:28 1- God desires to bless his creation (blessings) 2- in the context of blessing we discover God's purpose and man's responsibility (purpose/respondsibility)

After the intro to the build of the bible the intro makes a statement that really hit home... "God will accomplish his purpose voluntarily or involuntarily." God told the poeple at the tower of Babel to go out and multiple and all they wanted to do was build a tower and stay right there. So God sent His judgement down and divided all poeple through out the earth. God will have His will accomplished in some way! This means we may go through difficult and hard things if we try and stop Him. This speaks even louder when you think about Abraham. God told Abraham to go and He would bless him and make him the Father of many and the Lord held he promise. Abraham was blessed because he did as God asked. It is the same with us...if we obey God and do His will like he has asked we will be blessed! But if not We will go through hard times!! Like the book said God's purpose will be accomplished! Am I willing to set my desires aside and Do as the Lord asks?

God wants me to be a blessing and wants others to be a blessing to me.
God also wants me to take respondsibility for my actions and do as He has asked and carry out His purpose... That in itself is such a blessing!! We don't deserve his favor, but he doesn't just give us favor, He says he will bless us and He loves us more than anything and WANTS us to be apart of His plan! What is hold me back?--->OUCH

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