Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I WILL be exalted!

Wow! It has been awhile since i have been on here. Since the last post the Lord has really been working and showing me some great things! I have since gone and come back from Ecuador where the Lord finally showed me where He has placed my heart. I found my heart in Ecuador at camp Chicocuco sitting on the volleyball court. Today in my bible study the Lord really just showed me the challenge he has placed before me!
Today my bibe study opened up with a quote by J. Hudson Taylor, which states, "How often do we attempt work for God to the limit of our incompetency rather than the omnipotency."
WOW!!! I can NOT number how many times i have taken something the Lord has said and just ran with it and tried to do it myself instead of allowing him to use His All amazing power and authority. Instead of following his will i thought i could do it better. Who am i to think that i could do anything better than an ALL power God who CREATED me!! Talk about a defiling action towards the Lord. OUCH!!
The Bible study part today was on studying how the Lord uses ordinary men to fulfill His purposes and draw more people of ALL nations to Himself. In every story I studied today they all had one common line. "The people saw and FEARED the Lord" This is not a fear like being scared this is a fear of reverence.
That is not the most amazing part though. He uses ordinary men to do all of this. Now how can God use ordinary sinnful men to Glorify himself and bring others to him. This is the thing that has been skipped over soo many times in these stories.
These men had a responsibility to God, and they did not take it lightly! They were constantly listening and doing as The Lord ask them. Even if it seemed impossible to them.
Am I allowing God to truly use me? Am I constantly listening to what he would have me do so that HE may be glorified?
There is only one true thing worth all the time in the world and that is doing everything for the Glory of the Lord. Why should I live my life only for the things that will be gone when i die? LIVE FOR ONLY THE ETERNAL!!!! The Eternal is the only thing that truly matters! The Lord has said in Psalm 46:10 that he WILL be exalted among the nations and with in the Earth.
The Lord wants to use me in ways that because of my incompetency i can not do on my on. But by doing everything with his omnipotency He will get all the Glory and Honor that he So GREATLY deserves!!

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