Thursday, February 12, 2009

NO Record

So today I started out by looking at what God does for the "sake of His name." This study lead me through many different verse and at the end my list looked something like this
  • Blots out my sins and keeps no record (Isaiah 43:25 & 1 John 2:12)
  • Preserves my life (Psalm 143:11)
  • Leads me and guides me (Psalm 31:3)
  • Listens to my pleas and Opens my eyes (Daniel 9:17-19)
  • Has me suffer for Him (Philippians 1:29)

After taking a min and really looking at that list....I got to thinking....PRAISE THE LORD.....If it weren't for the frist I would be DEAD! The second one made me think about a corny shirt i saw once that said "Jesus is my 'lifesaver,'" but this makes that shirt not look so corny! haha bc it is soooo true! The Lord saves/preserves my life....I actually like the word preserves better... He keeps my life for His use... If you preserve something you save it for a later use or for a better use well considering with out Christ our life would be no more He deff uses our life for the better...WOW..what a concept...The third one is what I struggle with the most...I am constantly saying Lord YOU HAVE MY LIFE....yet sooo many times I try and take certain parts back from Him...I have got to stop doing that!! God has preserved my life for better use...LET HIM USE IT!! I have become an Indian giver! I give God my life and then say oh no sorry i need that back...nope sorry that is not how it works!! I don't completely understand why letting the Lord guide me is so hard...I mean Duh Danielle He is God!! He has said he is not going to lead you the wrong way! He has promised me only good!! WHY DO I HAVE TO BE SUCH A CONTROL FREAK??...haha The forth one well i feel bad for the Lord cuz i know i prolly talk His hears off!! But The Lord doesn't see it like that!! HE LOVES HEARING FROM US....even if we are always whining about something! He still wants to hear from us and comfort us! HOW AMAZING IS THAT!?? And the cool thing is He not only listens He opens my eyes....WHOA! yeah he actually wants to give us advice and help us, but the 1 million dollar question is "Are we letting him talk?" Are we soo busy complaining and tell him what is wrong that we don't give him time to open our eyes and see what he is trying to tell us!? And the tough one...He has me suffer for His name sake...or is that tough...I would say no....but that depends on how deicated you are i guess....The Lord has given His all for us and then some...we should at least be willing to be uncomfortable and suffer!! God sent his SON to DIE!!! an aweful death....I think the least we could do is suffer.... Jesus we through all of that and never once complained!! yeah talk about a WOW!!!

After making my list the book brought Isaiah 42:8 to my attention, " I am the Lord; that is my name; I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols." He has said it again....I THINK HE MEANT IT!

Later in today I read a statement that was very interesting.... we always are using the statement for the GLory of God.....most would say that statment is just an attchable religious phrase.....Oh so not true....All of the verses i read today said over and over again that he Lord i PASSIONATE about His glory!! HE IS A JEALOUS GOD....and has every right to be!....He created us to be imitators of Christ!...but yet we do NOT show his Glory...we defile His glory....If you created something you would want it to praise you right....well the same is with God...except God is not like humans...if we weren't praised for our creation we would be angry and take revenge...but God is different like i saw yesterday HE LOVES US UNCONDITIONALLY!!

So "for the glory of God" is not to be used to emphasize a point bc THAT IS THE POINT!!! Everything should be for HIS GLORY!! HIS WONDERFUL AMAZING GLORY!!

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