Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Perfect Man

Well this has absolutely nothing to do with the bible study I have been working on but I listened to Perry Noble out of New Spring and I was just crushed....The Lord just knocked me in the face!

I first saw only part of this serman but then downloaded the Podcast of the serman to hear the rest of it...The part I heard was Perry telling singles guys how they should be askin the girls out instead of being so scared!....However the whole serman was for women tell them how to be the Godly wife/future wife that God wants them to be.

He gave an accrosstick for the word WIFE....

W - Words - How do I use my words? Not just with talking with men but with talking to anybody! bc our speech is the over flow of our heart...So what is my speech saying about my character....Do i have an uplifting character? Or do i tare poeple down instead. The way I talk about men also factors in....Am i constantly degrading men bc of bitterness in my life.... This kinda got me! Sometimes my words are not so hot....Sometimes i forget to think before i speak!

I - Intentionality - Are you intentionally putting his needs before yours? This had alot to do with married women but the things that were said for singles were like WHOA!... When I am getting to know a guy....DON'T ACT LIKE I LIKE SOMETHING WHEN I DON'T! It is ok to just be me....bc if i am not honest about my likes and dislikes then that makes me a liar!!!... you can't build a relationship on lies! If you would like to watch him play a sport or watch a sport just to spend time with him then you need to tell him that!...BE HONEST!!

F - Forgiveness - Are you a forgiving person? Are you are person who seeks revenge or a person of mercy and grace? When Perry got here it was intense... Perry said straight to the single girls... that I can't let my anger and bitterness from previous relationships dictate how i treat all guys... I have to go let go of all that mess.. When i think about that the Lord taught me last week and how it relates to this week.. me holding on to that bitterness does me No good...and it brings NO Glory to God... that would be defiling His name... It is easy to say, but hard to do... Love unconditionally! Love with the AGAPE love... Be that reflection of Jesus in how i treat men.. Until i can do that The Lord is not going to bring a Godly man into my life...

E - Expectations - He started this one off and It hit me like a ton of bricks..."The Perfect man DOES NOT exist, so stop looking." WOW...OUCH! Girls are always makin their list and if the one thing is off then NOPE!... Gettin down to the eye color hair cut and hair color is a little crazy... Remember the Lord knows our wants and NEEDS... So while I wait on the Lord to show us the right one... I have to stay focused on Him and remember he knows my needs, and I can't be critical of what the LORD is giving me... Instead be forever greatful and thankful...

Even though I am no where close to getting married, I have got to trust the Lord and learn as much as I can while I am waiting on the Lord... This waiting is so hard, but the Lord has taught me so much. I have found that being single is actually great... hard, but great. Plus the Lord is always with me with Him I am never alone....

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