Friday, July 31, 2009

Recent WOWs!!

Ok So here is the lastest story......buckle your seat belt bc God really took me for a ride!! :)

I am fixing to start my senior year here at NGU and this means I have to take and pass the Praxis 2. So on July 25 I took the PLT.....I studied and studied only to find out that I took the WRONG ONE!!! yes that is right the WRONG one!! I took the Early Childhood PLT. When i signed up for the test i did not have my codes with me so i told the lady that i need to take the PLT but i am not sure which one. I told her my major was Early CHildhood, and she said well you should take the Early Childhood PLT. I didnt argue bc this logically made sense!! Well I get to Greenville Tech to take the test and one of my classmates is there and she is taking the K-6 PLT. I still didn't say anything bc i didn't know what the difference would be and i was under the impression that once you signed up for that exam you can't change. So I took the one I signed up for, and I feel really good about it!! However too bad IT WILL NOT COUNT!!!!!

I made all kinds of phone calls when I got out but could not get any answer! Finally Monday i got the worst news! By South Carolina State law I have to take K-6 PLT. Which means that I have to pay AGAIN to take the right PLT... this upset me like no other. I was in a daze....and i was so upset with myself for not asking questions before I took the test! I was soooo mad! I couldn't eat...or sleep, and then Tuesday while washing clothes....I had a talk with God.....I just couldn't understand why all of this was going on! I had thought about quiting school and doing something else..... I had almost come to the conclusion that I would not make it out of school! Then while reading my bible and reading that Crazy love book, I had a peace that was undescribable.....

All this time I was worried about what I was going to do! never even thinking about the fact that it wasn't just me in this! God has always promised to take care of me and to NEVER give me more than i can handle... Why would that change? It wouldn't!! In the midst of my crisis I forgot to think about the one thing that mattered! GOD!! Instead of turning around and praising Him I asked why! Who am I to ask GOD why!!???

I was reading in the Crazy love book and Chan talked about the profile of a Lukewarm Christian, and really asking ourselves if we are truly and completely in love with God. My actions during this small and oh so temporary problem, said other wise... If i truly love someone I put my complete trust in them! If i truly loved God then I would have run to Him first and thanked Him instead of being angry!!

So after much prayer while sitting in the floor of the landury room, I gave it up! God is having this happen for a reason! I just need to trust and obey and He will take care of the rest!! The next day was great! Yes a part of me was still upset but I wasn't really worried about it! I knew that everything would work out and there was some lesson here for me to learn.

Wednesday came and pasted and I Continuly prayed Lord thank you for hard times and thank you for your peace....Thursday came and I continuly prayed the same thing! Well I was about to leave work and Skip told me to wait bc Lauren had something to give me! Well she came back and handed me a card..... I was kinda like ok! well I opened it could not speak! I just started crying.... All of the Full time staff in student Services and all of the Support staff took up money and gave it to me for my test!...... I could not even count it I was so amazed....I had been praying, "Lord you know my needs! I trust you! I know you will provide!".....Then there standing in Student Services....the Lord provided!! I can never thank the Lord or all people that gave enough..... I really didn't know what i was going to do to pay for this test I had to retake, but i knew that i just needed to trust.....

Lesson learned.... God will provide and he WILL NOT let you down.....and.....God places you in places and in situations just so He can show His Glory!! This is such a little thing that happened.... but the things i have learned from it is eternal!

To my WONDERFUL NGU family! I can never thank you enough.... I could not ask for a better family! I say family and mean it in every sense of the word! This summer we have become a family! We have prayed for and took care of each other thourgh all kinds of trials and struggles... When I think of yall i am reminded of .... 1 Thessalonians 1:2-3

"We always thank God for all of you, mentioning you in our prayers. We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ."

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

That Crazy Love Book again!

So I am almost finished with chapter 2 now in the Crazy Love book. It has taken me forever to get this far!! I have never realized how true selfish I am, and I dont even mean to be!! God has done so much for me and yet I still question Him! WHO AM I TO QUESTION GOD!!!??? He created, He has the hairs on my head numbered, He knows when I will lay down and when I will get up! I have NO NO NO NO right to ask him why or to question Him about why something is happening the way it is!

A large part of chapter 2 talked about "Justified stress?" When I read this part I was just struck down and completely convicted. I am a constant worry wart! I have gotten better but I still struggle with worrying about the stupidest things. However I struggle with stress alot more than I do worrying! I stress constantly about school!! Are my grades good enough? Did I devote enough time to studying for that test? Am I going to lose my scholarships!? constantly stressing about having too much to do!

Well this is what Chan says about worrying and stressing.....

"Worry imples that we don't quite trust that God is big enough, powerful enough, or loving enough to take care of what's happening in our lives."

"Stress says that the things we are involved in are important enough to merit our impatience, our lack of grace towards others, or our tight grip of control."

OUCH....I have never thought about it that way! I used to sing this song when I was little..."My God is so great so strong and so mighty, THERE IS NOTHING MY GOD CAN NOT DO." If I truly believed that then I would not be worrying or stressing over anything! The first hint of feeling overwhelmed I would give it to the Lord!! But yet what do I do...I hold on to and try and handle it myself until I am about to fall apart and then I give it to God all messed up and out of wack! So often I live my life like it is all about me! My problems, my goals, my whatevers.... When it has never been about me! It is and always has been about God!!

God has put up with us not obeying Him since the beginning! And you know what he still loves us! WOW.... talk about flattering! that is pretty stinking amazing! We live our daily lives most of the time with out even thinking about God! In this movie of GOD'S life we each have a sec in it.... Am I taking my second and living it for God's glory!?? My daily life should not revolve around gaining ANYTHING of this world! Everyday my thought should be What can I do today that will give God the most Glory? At any moment am I ready to meet Jesus? Will I be caught worrying about my silly life or will I be caught glorifying the one who created me and gave me the very breathe I breathe!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

This Crazy Love Book

"The Heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world." ~Psalm 19:1-4

So this week while at home I worked with Youth Serve. One day JOsh and Dustin were telling me about this book call Crazy Love by Francis Chan. So I went and checked it out and ended up buying it!

I have started reading it and watching the videos that go with it online. The first part is about How AMAZING God is and how AMAZING His love is. I used to think i understood God's love for us! NO WAY!! My little feeble mind can NOT wrap around something that BIG!!!

The first video was a image of earth and as you zoom out it shows you what you would see if you were so far away from earth!! I strongly recommend watching it on www. it is called "the awe factor" As i sat there and watched it I was speechless!! God created ALL of that!! ....... I can not put into words how amazing that is! I just sat there even after the video ended and looked at it!! it was BEAUTIFUL!!! And you know the crazy thing is people say there is no God and it was all created by one BIG loud noise!!! HOW IN THE WORLD!!!?????

God shows us His Glory because he is SOOO worthy to be praised!!! If there were something else bigger than Him then God would be sinning!! That would make God an idolater!!! THAT ISN"T POSSIBLE!!

Everyday when i get up I see God's glory by simpling being able to breathe! When you think about how complex our Body is... there is no other answer than God! So many times we step outside and we just go about our daily lives and just forget to Praise the one who created EVERY LITTLE THING!!! I love to go hiking! I love to go because it reminds me not to take it all for granted!! The Lord gave us this AMAZING land with all these waterfalls, and animals and mountains and rivers and oceans. Take time and enjoy it!!

"The Heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world." ~Psalm 19:1-4

This passage is amazing!! The land we live on can not speak verbal words but there beauty speaks VOLUMES!!! You can not go any where and not hear it!! The Land SCREAMS!!

Do I take the time to listen and then Praise teh Lord who gave me life!! Who let me wake up in the morning!! Who gave HIS SON!!! to die for me!!
There is a song that talks about how undeserving we are of this AMAZING gift! It goes something like, What can i say, What can I do but to offer this life completely to you!!
What am I doing with what GOd has done!?? Am i takin it for granted? Or am I living a life that honors Him and Glorifies Him at all times!! Am I willing to give my life up and let him guide it and direct it?
All through high school I was the girl who always had a boyfriend.... However after my last break up with the guy I thought i would marry! God has shown me that my life is not mine! It is His! And that is not what He has for me. I used to look for Love and affection in all the wrong places! All the Love I EVER needed was right in front of my face!!! God's love me is so Great!! That is all I need! I do not have to look for love in other places!! GOD SATISFIES ME!!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Reluctant Obedience

"Obedience to God's will is the secret of spiritual knowledge and insight. It is not willingness to know, but willingness to DO (obey) God's will that brings certainty." ~ Eric Liddel

This week I have been studying about the early churches obediece to Jesus' Global mandate. The study started with the quote above. At first I didn't get it. But after the study is over i completely understand and totally get it!

At the beginning of Acts the church had a really good start they were preaching God's word and getting a GREAT response. And then the hard ships came and they became more reluctant to obey. Then you have Barnabas the Encourager. The more I studied the more ties I saw to my life. When you first commit to something I am all on fire for it and start strong and then after awhile when I hit hard ships I freak out and start to second guess myself! The Lord did not give me a spirit of fear!! The Lord said it and that should be it. I should not be questioning anything! I hate how the devil has his sly ways of getting in there and having us second guess ourselves!!

When the church in Acts got that way the Lord sent Barabas to encourage them and to lift their spirits! It is the same with us...Sometimes we work so hard and feel as though we are getting nowhere. That is when times get tough. However we can always have Hope in the Lord. Because the question is not will we succeed in obtaining God's Global goal!! In Revelation 7:9-10 we have beautiful picture of what the success will look like. "After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that on one could count, from every NATION, TRIBE, PEOPLE, AND LANGUAGE, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. They were wearing white robesand were holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice: "Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.'" HOW BEAUTIFUL IS THAT!!!???

I already know that the madate will be completed but the question is, am I going to be apart of the generation who steps up and completes the task?

The challenge has been set! Now I must try and work UNreluctantly towards the goal that the Lord has sat in front of me!

Now think about that quote...."Obedience to God's will is the secret of spiritual knowledge and insight. It is not willingness to know, but willingness to DO (obey) God's will that brings certainty." ~ Eric Liddel

Thursday, May 21, 2009

God of this WORLD!!

Been awhile since I have wrote on here, but oh has alot gone on!! I am now at summer school. YUCK!! But I know that this is where the Lord wants me this summer, even though this is not my place of choice. haha

This week has really been tough because I keep thinking "Man I do NOT want to be here!!" My attitude has be beyond negative! Well Fuge staff got here today so that means school work in Student Services is going to be CRAZY. Plus my Best Friend from home is leaving to go to Kentucky tomorrow and i don't get to hug her bye or anything. :( When I finally stopped I was sitting at my desk having a pity party when I started thinking...."Danielle WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!?? You are making yourself miserable!!" I should not see this as aweful!! This summer can be full of opportunties to Glorify my father if I choose to let him use me!!

All week in my bible study I have been studying how God is a Global God. I have studied passage after passage about how God wants His name spread all around the world. WHAT AM I DOING TO FURTHER HIS KINGDOM!!??? -->OUCH<-- In my bible study I ran upon this saying...."Jesus is not our personal possessive savior, he is "SAVIOR of the world." Lately I have been treating Him as just my savior. I have started to put him in a box and look at what Danielle wants not Him. -->Don't want to go through that again<-- I know the Lord has something GREAT planned for me, and just because i am some where i do not really want to be means nothing. Jesus is still the Savior of the world!! I NEED TO LIVE AND ACT LIKE IT!! Last Sunday was homecoming at Ebenezer Welcome Baptist Church and Travis Henson spoke. He gave a great challenge to me! but all week i have just decided to forget the challenge. Well i can't do that anymore. It is time for me to face the challenge and Do what the Lord has placed me here to do.

Travis spoke on the passage from Joshua 1:1-8. He talked about how the Isrealites were on the bank of the Jordan River. He talked about what he thought they were doing on the banks.
  • Looking back to see how far they had come, and Praising the Lord for his Faithfulness!
  • Looking around at where they were, and making that place as a Landmark in History for how far they had come, and again continuing to Praise the Lord for His faithfulness.
  • Looking ahead to see the Promise land and what the Lord had in store for them. Not just giving up and settling for just the edge of the promise land, but continuing and trusting in the Lord's promises to bring it all to completion. (Phil 1:6)

This really stuck with me all week, and i havent been able to shake it! Instead of looking ahead and trusting, I am looking ahead and shutting down. The Lord has started to use me in mighty ways...I can't just stop because i am somewhere i do not want to be!! I pray that the Lord change my heart and give me a heart for what he wants to be done on this campus and in my life this summer. I have got to continue to look ahead and trust the Lord's plan. I have got to look ahead and not get distracted my the stupid things the devil puts in my life to try and trip me up!

I look back on last semester and all i can do is lift my hands up to the Lord and Praise him! I went to Ecuador and found my heart, and realized that my God is a global GOd and he wants me to be a part of spreading his word. After much prayer I started my Journeyman Application and the Lord has given me Peace beyond understanding. I am so excited about where he is going to take me and what he is going to do, but yet i am almost scared to death. I can't get scared!!! The Lord knows everything and will take care of it all!! I MUST KEEP MY EYES ON HIM!!!

From here on out! I have a new attitude!! I will live everyday for Christ and look for every opportunity to share God's greatness and grace with others on MY mission field this summer, the NGU campus! I Pray the Lord breaks my heart for what breaks HIS!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I WILL be exalted!

Wow! It has been awhile since i have been on here. Since the last post the Lord has really been working and showing me some great things! I have since gone and come back from Ecuador where the Lord finally showed me where He has placed my heart. I found my heart in Ecuador at camp Chicocuco sitting on the volleyball court. Today in my bible study the Lord really just showed me the challenge he has placed before me!
Today my bibe study opened up with a quote by J. Hudson Taylor, which states, "How often do we attempt work for God to the limit of our incompetency rather than the omnipotency."
WOW!!! I can NOT number how many times i have taken something the Lord has said and just ran with it and tried to do it myself instead of allowing him to use His All amazing power and authority. Instead of following his will i thought i could do it better. Who am i to think that i could do anything better than an ALL power God who CREATED me!! Talk about a defiling action towards the Lord. OUCH!!
The Bible study part today was on studying how the Lord uses ordinary men to fulfill His purposes and draw more people of ALL nations to Himself. In every story I studied today they all had one common line. "The people saw and FEARED the Lord" This is not a fear like being scared this is a fear of reverence.
That is not the most amazing part though. He uses ordinary men to do all of this. Now how can God use ordinary sinnful men to Glorify himself and bring others to him. This is the thing that has been skipped over soo many times in these stories.
These men had a responsibility to God, and they did not take it lightly! They were constantly listening and doing as The Lord ask them. Even if it seemed impossible to them.
Am I allowing God to truly use me? Am I constantly listening to what he would have me do so that HE may be glorified?
There is only one true thing worth all the time in the world and that is doing everything for the Glory of the Lord. Why should I live my life only for the things that will be gone when i die? LIVE FOR ONLY THE ETERNAL!!!! The Eternal is the only thing that truly matters! The Lord has said in Psalm 46:10 that he WILL be exalted among the nations and with in the Earth.
The Lord wants to use me in ways that because of my incompetency i can not do on my on. But by doing everything with his omnipotency He will get all the Glory and Honor that he So GREATLY deserves!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Blessing and Purpose

So I am now working on week 2 in God's heart for the nations.... This week it is on God's blessing and purpose for us.

The bible is made up of 66 books but this 66 book has a introduction, body, and conclusion which by literary terms makes it one book as a whole. The first 11 chapters of Gen is the intro and the body runs from Gen 12-Jude. The conclusion is Revelation. In the intro there are major themes that are tracked through the rest of the book. This week we are looking at two of the themes. These themes are found in Gen 1:28 1- God desires to bless his creation (blessings) 2- in the context of blessing we discover God's purpose and man's responsibility (purpose/respondsibility)

After the intro to the build of the bible the intro makes a statement that really hit home... "God will accomplish his purpose voluntarily or involuntarily." God told the poeple at the tower of Babel to go out and multiple and all they wanted to do was build a tower and stay right there. So God sent His judgement down and divided all poeple through out the earth. God will have His will accomplished in some way! This means we may go through difficult and hard things if we try and stop Him. This speaks even louder when you think about Abraham. God told Abraham to go and He would bless him and make him the Father of many and the Lord held he promise. Abraham was blessed because he did as God asked. It is the same with us...if we obey God and do His will like he has asked we will be blessed! But if not We will go through hard times!! Like the book said God's purpose will be accomplished! Am I willing to set my desires aside and Do as the Lord asks?

God wants me to be a blessing and wants others to be a blessing to me.
God also wants me to take respondsibility for my actions and do as He has asked and carry out His purpose... That in itself is such a blessing!! We don't deserve his favor, but he doesn't just give us favor, He says he will bless us and He loves us more than anything and WANTS us to be apart of His plan! What is hold me back?--->OUCH