Sunday, June 28, 2009

This Crazy Love Book

"The Heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world." ~Psalm 19:1-4

So this week while at home I worked with Youth Serve. One day JOsh and Dustin were telling me about this book call Crazy Love by Francis Chan. So I went and checked it out and ended up buying it!

I have started reading it and watching the videos that go with it online. The first part is about How AMAZING God is and how AMAZING His love is. I used to think i understood God's love for us! NO WAY!! My little feeble mind can NOT wrap around something that BIG!!!

The first video was a image of earth and as you zoom out it shows you what you would see if you were so far away from earth!! I strongly recommend watching it on www. it is called "the awe factor" As i sat there and watched it I was speechless!! God created ALL of that!! ....... I can not put into words how amazing that is! I just sat there even after the video ended and looked at it!! it was BEAUTIFUL!!! And you know the crazy thing is people say there is no God and it was all created by one BIG loud noise!!! HOW IN THE WORLD!!!?????

God shows us His Glory because he is SOOO worthy to be praised!!! If there were something else bigger than Him then God would be sinning!! That would make God an idolater!!! THAT ISN"T POSSIBLE!!

Everyday when i get up I see God's glory by simpling being able to breathe! When you think about how complex our Body is... there is no other answer than God! So many times we step outside and we just go about our daily lives and just forget to Praise the one who created EVERY LITTLE THING!!! I love to go hiking! I love to go because it reminds me not to take it all for granted!! The Lord gave us this AMAZING land with all these waterfalls, and animals and mountains and rivers and oceans. Take time and enjoy it!!

"The Heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world." ~Psalm 19:1-4

This passage is amazing!! The land we live on can not speak verbal words but there beauty speaks VOLUMES!!! You can not go any where and not hear it!! The Land SCREAMS!!

Do I take the time to listen and then Praise teh Lord who gave me life!! Who let me wake up in the morning!! Who gave HIS SON!!! to die for me!!
There is a song that talks about how undeserving we are of this AMAZING gift! It goes something like, What can i say, What can I do but to offer this life completely to you!!
What am I doing with what GOd has done!?? Am i takin it for granted? Or am I living a life that honors Him and Glorifies Him at all times!! Am I willing to give my life up and let him guide it and direct it?
All through high school I was the girl who always had a boyfriend.... However after my last break up with the guy I thought i would marry! God has shown me that my life is not mine! It is His! And that is not what He has for me. I used to look for Love and affection in all the wrong places! All the Love I EVER needed was right in front of my face!!! God's love me is so Great!! That is all I need! I do not have to look for love in other places!! GOD SATISFIES ME!!

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