Friday, July 31, 2009

Recent WOWs!!

Ok So here is the lastest story......buckle your seat belt bc God really took me for a ride!! :)

I am fixing to start my senior year here at NGU and this means I have to take and pass the Praxis 2. So on July 25 I took the PLT.....I studied and studied only to find out that I took the WRONG ONE!!! yes that is right the WRONG one!! I took the Early Childhood PLT. When i signed up for the test i did not have my codes with me so i told the lady that i need to take the PLT but i am not sure which one. I told her my major was Early CHildhood, and she said well you should take the Early Childhood PLT. I didnt argue bc this logically made sense!! Well I get to Greenville Tech to take the test and one of my classmates is there and she is taking the K-6 PLT. I still didn't say anything bc i didn't know what the difference would be and i was under the impression that once you signed up for that exam you can't change. So I took the one I signed up for, and I feel really good about it!! However too bad IT WILL NOT COUNT!!!!!

I made all kinds of phone calls when I got out but could not get any answer! Finally Monday i got the worst news! By South Carolina State law I have to take K-6 PLT. Which means that I have to pay AGAIN to take the right PLT... this upset me like no other. I was in a daze....and i was so upset with myself for not asking questions before I took the test! I was soooo mad! I couldn't eat...or sleep, and then Tuesday while washing clothes....I had a talk with God.....I just couldn't understand why all of this was going on! I had thought about quiting school and doing something else..... I had almost come to the conclusion that I would not make it out of school! Then while reading my bible and reading that Crazy love book, I had a peace that was undescribable.....

All this time I was worried about what I was going to do! never even thinking about the fact that it wasn't just me in this! God has always promised to take care of me and to NEVER give me more than i can handle... Why would that change? It wouldn't!! In the midst of my crisis I forgot to think about the one thing that mattered! GOD!! Instead of turning around and praising Him I asked why! Who am I to ask GOD why!!???

I was reading in the Crazy love book and Chan talked about the profile of a Lukewarm Christian, and really asking ourselves if we are truly and completely in love with God. My actions during this small and oh so temporary problem, said other wise... If i truly love someone I put my complete trust in them! If i truly loved God then I would have run to Him first and thanked Him instead of being angry!!

So after much prayer while sitting in the floor of the landury room, I gave it up! God is having this happen for a reason! I just need to trust and obey and He will take care of the rest!! The next day was great! Yes a part of me was still upset but I wasn't really worried about it! I knew that everything would work out and there was some lesson here for me to learn.

Wednesday came and pasted and I Continuly prayed Lord thank you for hard times and thank you for your peace....Thursday came and I continuly prayed the same thing! Well I was about to leave work and Skip told me to wait bc Lauren had something to give me! Well she came back and handed me a card..... I was kinda like ok! well I opened it could not speak! I just started crying.... All of the Full time staff in student Services and all of the Support staff took up money and gave it to me for my test!...... I could not even count it I was so amazed....I had been praying, "Lord you know my needs! I trust you! I know you will provide!".....Then there standing in Student Services....the Lord provided!! I can never thank the Lord or all people that gave enough..... I really didn't know what i was going to do to pay for this test I had to retake, but i knew that i just needed to trust.....

Lesson learned.... God will provide and he WILL NOT let you down.....and.....God places you in places and in situations just so He can show His Glory!! This is such a little thing that happened.... but the things i have learned from it is eternal!

To my WONDERFUL NGU family! I can never thank you enough.... I could not ask for a better family! I say family and mean it in every sense of the word! This summer we have become a family! We have prayed for and took care of each other thourgh all kinds of trials and struggles... When I think of yall i am reminded of .... 1 Thessalonians 1:2-3

"We always thank God for all of you, mentioning you in our prayers. We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ."

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

That Crazy Love Book again!

So I am almost finished with chapter 2 now in the Crazy Love book. It has taken me forever to get this far!! I have never realized how true selfish I am, and I dont even mean to be!! God has done so much for me and yet I still question Him! WHO AM I TO QUESTION GOD!!!??? He created, He has the hairs on my head numbered, He knows when I will lay down and when I will get up! I have NO NO NO NO right to ask him why or to question Him about why something is happening the way it is!

A large part of chapter 2 talked about "Justified stress?" When I read this part I was just struck down and completely convicted. I am a constant worry wart! I have gotten better but I still struggle with worrying about the stupidest things. However I struggle with stress alot more than I do worrying! I stress constantly about school!! Are my grades good enough? Did I devote enough time to studying for that test? Am I going to lose my scholarships!? constantly stressing about having too much to do!

Well this is what Chan says about worrying and stressing.....

"Worry imples that we don't quite trust that God is big enough, powerful enough, or loving enough to take care of what's happening in our lives."

"Stress says that the things we are involved in are important enough to merit our impatience, our lack of grace towards others, or our tight grip of control."

OUCH....I have never thought about it that way! I used to sing this song when I was little..."My God is so great so strong and so mighty, THERE IS NOTHING MY GOD CAN NOT DO." If I truly believed that then I would not be worrying or stressing over anything! The first hint of feeling overwhelmed I would give it to the Lord!! But yet what do I do...I hold on to and try and handle it myself until I am about to fall apart and then I give it to God all messed up and out of wack! So often I live my life like it is all about me! My problems, my goals, my whatevers.... When it has never been about me! It is and always has been about God!!

God has put up with us not obeying Him since the beginning! And you know what he still loves us! WOW.... talk about flattering! that is pretty stinking amazing! We live our daily lives most of the time with out even thinking about God! In this movie of GOD'S life we each have a sec in it.... Am I taking my second and living it for God's glory!?? My daily life should not revolve around gaining ANYTHING of this world! Everyday my thought should be What can I do today that will give God the most Glory? At any moment am I ready to meet Jesus? Will I be caught worrying about my silly life or will I be caught glorifying the one who created me and gave me the very breathe I breathe!!